Monday, July 7, 2008


Listening to: Your Love by The Outfield

I thought it would be fun to watch gossip girl since the books are ok. It was reallly realllly good. I haven't got on the computer because I had a massive eardrum rupture thing. Yesterday, I slept half of the day because of my ear. But that DEFIANTLY did not stop me from watching John Mayer "Where the Light is" concert on Blu-Ray! Everything about his music is amazing. If you haven't listened to his "Continuum" album, then you have never listened to the greatest music in the century. If your a girl, read Taylor Swift's lyrics. Seriously.

In other good news, I've been succesful in almost forgetting a person that's been bothering my thoughts. I am happy and know that next year will be better than last year. After a few more posts and ALOT more imagination sparks, I'll post something way more interesting than this, so stay, um, reading?: )

"Channel your anger and use it to devise a plan to make things better." -Captain John Smith

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